Sliding Patio

Jeld-Wen Pvc Sliding Patio DoorJeld-Wen Logo

Jeldwen Pvc Sliding Patio DoorJeld-Wen’s Pvc Sliding patio door is constructed from the most advanced vinyl (A high grade resin recipe).  It is a multi-chambered vinyl frame that has steel added to it to add strength.  This patio door comes in many different sizes and also has the option of doing Tripane sealed units as well as the option to have blinds between the glass.


Like the Pvc windows, most of the accessories are available, such as; brickmould and jamb extension.


Pella Designer Series Sliding Patio Doors

Pella Designer Series Sliding Patio Door offers the option of having between the glass blinds or shades.  This style of door comes standard in Tripane.  There is a dual glazed sealed unit on the exterior with a hinged panel on the inside which gives access to the blinds that are sealed inside.

There are 4 different species of wood available: Pine, Douglas Fir, Mahogany and Alder.  These doors have 9 different pre-finish options.

There are 9 different colours of shades and 12 different colours of shades; 3 of which are room darkening.

There are 27 different exterior Low Maintenance Cladded Colours.