CleanBC Better Homes Income-Qualified Rebate Program
Replacing your windows and doors will help reduce heating and cooling costs, keep your more comfortable in the home and can help reduce noise. The CleanBC Better Homes Income-Qualified Rebate Program allows you to receive
- Income-Qualified CleanBC Rebate – Save up to $9500
- Pre-Registration Form to apply for Income-Qualified Rebate
Alpine Glass Windows & Doors Ltd. is a CleanBC Better Homes Income Qualified Program Registered Contractor. We have the installation knowledge and certification to be able to execute your window and door upgrade and to get you up to a $9500 rebate (Maximum of $950 per Window/Door).
Please feel free to Contact Us or give us a call at the office (250) 785-6409
ENERGY STAR® certified windows can save an average of 8% of your energy bills as compared to a standard window.
High-performance ENERGY STAR windows and doors make your home more comfortable all year round by keeping the heat in during the winter and out during the summer.
ENERGY STAR certified windows and doors with a maximum U-Factor value of 1.22 (W/M2-K) | $100 Each | $2000 |
Required standards
- The windows and/or doors must be installed by a contractor with a valid B.C. business license.
- Windows and/or doors must replace existing windows and/doors in the building envelope of the premises between the outdoors and a heated space. Skylights are not eligible for a rebate.
Window and Door Rebate form for submital
Submitting the application
Your invoice must include the number of windows and/or doors installed, Canadian ENERGY STAR qualification for each window/door, U-Factor rating for each window/door and a description of the work completed (e.g. replacement of 10 windows and/or doors).
Additionally, you must submit a photo of at least one label showing the U-Factor rating (W/m2-K), certification body and NRCan reference number.